NEW YORK (June 11, 2015) —
Thanks to all of you who responded to our “Post-CPRE Summit Survey.” We had a 40% response rate, and here’s a topline of the findings:
- 100% (how often does that happen in any of our work?) agreed that the Summit was worthwhile for them personally. Two thirds strongly agreed.
- 87% agreed that the Summit was worthwhile for public relations education (60% strongly agreed), and 94% agreed (67% strongly) that it was valuable for the public relations industry.
- 83% agreed and 11% strongly agreed with the list of knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) that the group developed during the consensus discussion (all those flip chart pages on the walls).
- Three quarters strongly agreed and a quarter agreed that the Commission should continue to bring industry and education leaders together in various venues to discuss public relations education-related issues and topics.
- Finally, 87% of respondents agreed (56% strongly) that they would like to continue to be involved in the Commission’s work. All respondents said they’d like to participate in future discussions; four out of five said they’d provide input to the Commission report and recommendations, and two-thirds said they’d help with external communications to trades and industry on the Summit topics and findings.